
V E R S E   O F   T H E   D A Y

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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Sunday, July 10, 2005

Chinese Pastor Arrested for
Printing Bibles -
Persecution Common in China

Chinese Pastor Cai Zhuohua has printed over 200,000, which are given away to Christians and others. Printing Bibles in China can only be done in limited quantities by a government sanctioned publisher. Pastor Zhouhua, his wife and two family members have been charged with "illegal business practices." He has been imprisoned for 10 months. On Thursday, July 7th, he spent over four hours in a court appearance - a judgment is pending. A U.S. Embassy observer was sent to observe the trial but was ordered to leave the building.

According to China Aid Association, even though the Chinese constitution protects freedom of religion, "the government seeks to restrict religious practice to government-sanctioned organizations and registered places of worship and to control the growth and scope of activities of religious groups."


Christian Pastor on Trial in China for Printing Bibles

China Aid Association

The experience of Pastor Zhouhua is common in China. Pastor Phil Griffith, a pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Ottumwa Canada, experienced this first-hand during his trip to China. Of the Christians Pastor Griffith met, 90 percent had been imprisoned, and the majority of the women were raped - because they are Christians. Many Christians are sent to forced-labor camps for weeks or years, manufacturing low-priced items labeled "Made in China."

The Chinese Christians Pastor Griffith met requested that we "Pray for the South China Church and tell the truth about persecution in China. Pray for the government."

Some religions are a dangerous practice in China

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