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Eulogia Christian Banner Exchange

Monday, February 27, 2006

Activists Preparing Lawsuits Before Town is even Built

Tom Monaghan, the founder of the Domino's Pizza chain, has plans to establish a new Florida Town called Ave Maria, which will operate based on Catholic principles. Civil Rights activists are already preparing their lawsuits to demand their views on "separation of church and state." Monaghan responsed to the threats, "That's great. That would be the best publicity we could get."

Man to build Catholics-only town

Domino's founder plans Catholic town

ACLU opposes creation of 'Catholic town'

Friday, February 24, 2006

Intern for California Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Terminated for Sharing Her Faith

Jacqueline Escobar has been a straight-A student at California State University—Long Beach (CSULB) and, as a result, was awarded an internship at the California Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). As a results of Escobar sharing her faith with her coworkerss during her personal time (and for wearing a religious message t-shirt after working hours) , she was order by officials to stop expressing her faith and forced to sign a document stating she had “an inability to separate her religious beliefs from her role as a[n] . . . Intern.” When Escobar refused, she was terminated from her internship and threatened with expulsion from the CSULB graduate program.

The Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) has filed a lawsuit on Escobar's behalf. "DCFS has no business telling an intern that she cannot share her faith during non-working hours. We are confident the federal court will cut off this muzzle which has been used to silence Ms. Escobar," was the response from Brad Dacus, president of PJI.

Graduate Student Kicked Out of Internship Based on Religious Beliefs

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Christian Army Chaplain Removed for Praying to 'Jesus'

Captain Jonathan Stertzbach has been an Army chaplain, assigned to the 10th Mountain Division in Iraq. With all the attention to prostletizing in the military, Stertzbach was required to submit his prayer in writing before prayer. When his prayers include "in Jesus' name" he was ordered to remove it. Refusing to have his prayers censored, Stertzbach was removed from his chapel and is now under orders not to speak to the media.

Stertzbach's representative, Billy Baugham of the International Conference of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers, has stated that Stertzbach is authorized to prayer based on "what his sending agency or his sending church allows him to pray." Baugham is working to have Stertzbach reinstated.

Chaplain Rebels at Prayer Censorship, Then Removed From Assignment

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Pro-schooler Chastised for Sharing Faith

Zachariah is four-year old member of the Head Start Head Start early childhood development program in Baker City, Oregon. When he shared his faith with a fellow pre-schooler during a non-instructional time, the instructor, overhearing the conversation, stopped him from discussing Christianity. His grandmother contacted contact the American Family Association Center for Law and Policy (AFA Law Center) for counsel.

Steve Crampton, Chief Counsel for AFA, responded "The school is wrong. As the United States Supreme Court has observed, “[t]here is a crucial difference between government speech endorsing religion, which the Establishment Clause forbids, and private speech endorsing religion." The school was informed of their error. They backed-off and apologized for their actions.

Grandmother Gets Help Asserting Preschooler's Right to Share His Faith

Monday, February 20, 2006

February 20th, 2006 - President's Day

In the same year that both houses of Congress approved adding the phrase "One Nation Under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance, they also approved the construction of a prayer "room, with facilities for prayer and meditation, for the use of members of the Senate and House of Representatives."

Centered in the stained glass of this room, is George Washington kneeling in prayer...behind Washington the prayer is etched:

"Preserve me, O God, for in Thee do I put my trust."
Psalm 16

Hundreds of Thousands Called to Pray on President's Day

Jerusalem WorldPride 2006

Homosexual activists are attempting to reschedule a World Pride event in Jerusalem, starting on August 6th, 2006. World Pride was cancelled in 2005 for being offensive to the religious beliefs of Jews, Christians and Muslims.

James Hartline, a former homosexual, questions "why anyone would want to engage in sodomy and pornography at the holy sites of our religious heritage."

The event is billed as:

Love without Borders

Jerusalem WorldPride 2006 will bring a new focus to an ancient city through a massive demonstration of LGBT dignity, pride, and boundary-crossing celebration. In these times of intolerance and suspicion, from the home of three of the world´s great religions, we will proclaim that love knows no borders.
Gary Bauer of American Values reflected on previous World Pride events, "They are intentionally picking areas that are of deep religious significance to millions of believers in an effort to provoke and to insult and to show that they are going to be in our face with their agenda."

Activists Planning to Stage '06 World 'Gay Pride' Celebration in Jerusalem

Las Vegas Street Evangelists Arrested over Signs

Jim Webber and Tom Griner started out displaying evangelical signs, such as "Don't gamble with your soul," and "Turn from sin, Turn to Jesus," outside the Bellagio hotel and casino. They spent the evening in a prison cell. The charges - displaying signs that caused an obstruction of the public rights-of-way. This occurred while other sidewalk signs or sandwich boards were left alone.

Webber and Griner have filed a lawsuit against the Clark County for violating their First Amendment rights to free speech and free exercise of their religious beliefs.

Webber speculated on the real reason for their arrest - "Let's be honest. This is Sin City. It's not the image they want in front of the Bellagio."

Protesters arrested for carrying signs on Strip sue county

Sunday, February 19, 2006

India's Bharatiya Janata Party Presses to Outlaw Conversion to Christianity

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is pressing the government to pass laws that will make it illegal to convert to Christianity on the grounds that it will "threaten the social structure of the country."

The Human Rights Watch report, Politics by Other Means: Attacks Against Christians in India, reports on the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party - Attacks against Christians throughout the country have increased significantly since the BJP began its rule at the center in March 1998. They include the killings of priests, the raping of nuns, and the physical destruction of Christian institutions, schools, churches, colleges, and cemeteries. Thousands of Christians have also been forced to convert to Hinduism.

BJP seeks law against conversion to Christianity

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Christian Websites Receiving 9 Million Hits per Month from Middle East

The Strategic Resource Group has issued a report stating that Middle East internet users are producing nearly 9 millions hits on Christian websites. One Christian chat room for Arabic-speaking web users is seeing over 42,000 people daily. Access is occurring while Islamic governments try to block citizens from access Christian web content.

Christians website are attracting many from the Muslim world

Americans United For Separation
Sues to Stop Successful Prison Rehabilitation Program

The InnerChange Freedom Initiative (IFI) has been operating at the Newton, Iowa Correctional Facility since 1999. IFI is a voluntary bible-based rehabilitation program, offered to prisoners scheduled to be released within 18-24 months. IFI has been shown to be successful, such as reducing rearrests by 50 to 60 percent.

The Americans United for the Separation of Church and State has sued the the correctional facility for using the program. According to Alex Luchenitser, lawyer for Americans United for Separation, the program "coerces inmates to take part" in the voluntary Bible-based program.

Gordon Allen Deputy Iowa Attorney General informed the court "Quite frankly your honor, this is a program that works ... and it works constitutionally."

Lawsuit over prison religion program goes to judge

California Public Library Bans Praying in Meeting Rooms

Rev. Hattie Hopkins of Faith Center Church Evangelistic Ministries reserved a public meeting room at the Contra Costa County public library to hold a religious service. After the first meeting, the library banned the group from using the library facilities because of the religious content of the meeting. The library continued to allow other meetings with "religious" content, such as Narcotics Anonymous, to use the public rooms.

Benjamin Bull, chief counsel from Alliance Defense Fund, representing Faith Center Church Evangelistic Ministries stated "To bar them is viewpoint-based discrimination." A federal judged agreed and stopped the country from the religious discrimination. The county appealed and now the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will make a final decision.

County appeals church's right to pray in library

Friday, February 17, 2006

NY Pro-Life Center Faces Biased Closure

The Life Center in Babylon, New York, faces forced closure for not having an adequate amount of parking spaces.. Local zoning requires businesses to have adequate parking based on property size, type of business and other factors. Life Center believes their parking is adequate and requested a zoning variance, which was denied. Babylon Town Supervisor Steve Bellone indicated that variances are rarely approved, yet Life Center cited other businesses that have received variances.

Lorraine Gariboldi, executive director Life Center noted "It's simply discrimination because of the kind of work we do." Life Center provides abortion alternatives to pregnant women.

Anti-abortion center cites bias

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Utah School District Denies Equal Access to Christian After-School Program

Konnie Pacheco and Paula Radcliffe were ready to start the Good News Club after-school program at the Helen M. Knight Intermediate School, where they teach. Initially the school district approved the after-school program but, since all teachers are contractually paid for the first fifteen minutes of the club meeting, officials denied the teachers equal access to any participation in the Good News Club. Thirty two clubs presently operate at the school.

Grand County School District school-board President Kaaron Jorgen has stated "We cannot, under any circumstances, allow teachers to teach religion in the schools when public funds are involved," but has refused offers from the teachers to forfeit fifteen minutes of pay or to start the club fifteen minutes later.

The teachers are consulting with Geoffrey Surtees of the American Center for Law and Justice.

Grand County: Two teachers want to lead an after-school Christian group; district says no

Walmart Ordered to Dispense the Plan B Emergency Contraceptive

Three women represented by Planned Parenthood Massachusetts and NARAL pro-choice Massachusetts, sued Walmart for not carrying the "Morning After" pill in that state. The state pharmacy board has ordered Walmart to carry the pill, under the state policy that requires pharmacies to carry "commonly prescribed medicines." Pro-Life groups disagree with the use of the pill, stating that, when it does not prevent fertilization, it prevents the human embryo from implanting into the woman's uterus, making it equal to abortion.

Wal-Mart Ordered to Stock 'Morning-After' Pills in Mass

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Church Vandalized for Hosting Ex-Gay Conference

The First Evangelical Free Church of St. Louis Mo. is scheduled to host the Love Won Out conference on February 25th, 2006. The conference presents "the truth that homosexuality is preventable and treatable - a message routinely silenced today." Within hours of the annoucement, the location was vandalized.

Opposition to the conference is a common response. Many within the homosexual movement attempt to suppress the message from Love Won Out and other ex-gay organizations. Even, an organization that claims it is " a principal online destination for people interested in dismantling bigotry" reports that the ex-gay movement is sad, sick and shameful.

The church issued a statement, "This only underscores the need for Love Won Out more than ever and, sadly, suggests that those who talk the loudest about tolerance seem the least able to exhibit it. We are honored to stand for righteousness in the face of ridicule - a small taste of the ridicule our Lord suffered."

Love One Out reports the feedback of one attendee, "One thing I especially appreciated was hearing from former homosexuals. Anyone can give facts and figures, but honestly, if I want to learn how to build a house, I go see a carpenter."

Vandals Hit Site of 'Love Won Out' Conference on Homosexuality

Focus on the Family

National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

Exodus International

School Bans Saint Valentine's Day Cards with Religious Symbolism

The Texas school district Katy Independent issued a memo to parents banning students from including religious symbols in Saint Valentine's Day cards, along with other holiday cards and gifts.

Mike Johnson, Senior Legal Counsel for
Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) stated "These little kids are scared about uttering any reference to their personal faith because theyÂ’ve seen what happens to them and their classmates when they do so. Apparently, there are staff members at this school who do not understand that the Constitution prohibits government officials from showing hostility toward religion."

ADF and the
Liberty Legal Institute successfully won a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against the school district's decision.

Kelly Shackelford, chief counsel from Liberty Legal stated, "We are very pleased with the judge's decision to uphold the Constitution and grant the students the right to express their religious beliefs without discrimination. A TRO is a severe remedy, but unfortunately it was necessary because of the extreme violations by the district."

Court orders school to allow religious symbols on St. ValentineÂ’s Day at Texas school

Judge Grants Temporary Restraining Order Against Katy Independent School District

St. Valentine - Patron Saint of Epilepsy

Day of Purity - February 14, 2006

The Day of Purity is a day when this nation's youth can make a public demonstration of their commitment to remain sexually pure, in mind and actions. The Day of Purity offers the youth who strive for sexual purity an opportunity to stand in opposition to a culture of moral decline.

"The fear of the religious right is that the schools of today will be the governments of tomorrow. And you know, they are right. If we do our jobs right, we’re going to raise a generation of kids who don’t believe the claims of the religious right." --1999 GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network)

Day of Purity

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Washington State Democrats Selling
Anti-Christian "Hypocrite" Car Magnet

Why are the Washington State Democrats selling car magnets with the Christian symbols of the fish and cross set ablaze with the word "Hypocrite"? Fortunately someone had the wisdom to remove it.

If Democrats aren’t anti-Christian, then I’m not sure who is…


Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Religion of Evolution Celebrates "Evolution Sunday"

On Sunday, February 12th 2006, hundreds of Christian churches celebrated their faith in Evolution instead of The Bible by celebrating Evolution Sunday.

"Evolution, akin to religion, involves making certain a priori or metaphysical assumptions, which at some level cannot be proven empirically." - science philosopher Dr Michael Ruse. "The science side has certain metaphysical assumptions built into doing science, which—it may not be a good thing to admit in a court of law—but I think that in honesty that we should recognize, and that we should be thinking about some of these sorts of things."

"Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion—a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. . . . Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today." - Michael Ruse, scientific philosopher, Darwinian and atheist.

"For my own part, the sense of spiritual relief which comes from rejecting the idea of God as a supernatural being is enormous… Darwinism removed the whole idea of God as the creator of organisms from the sphere of rational discussion." - Sir Julian Huxley, evolutionist and biologist.

"After having chided the theologian on his reliance on myth and miracle, science found itself in the unenviable position of having to create a mythology of its own: namely, the assumption that what after long effort, could not he proved to take place today had, in truth, taken place in the primeval past." - Dr. Loren Eiseley.

"Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such a hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic." - one professor at the Department of Biology, Kansas State University.

Evolution as religion

Evolution Is Religion--Not Science

Deltona FL Officials Censor Christian Symbols from Black History Month Artwork

The City Hall lobby of Deltona Florida has been adorned with artwork that celebrates Black History Month. But city officials have banned three piece of work because they include Christian symbols.

Roland Blossom, the acting city manager and attorney explained his decision to censor Christianity, "I saw the word 'Jesus' and the Holy Bible just sort of thrown in the painting. What that forces anybody to do because this display is in a government building, they think this government is advocating in favor of one religion over another."

Wayne Dickson, Stetson University professor and director of the humanities department, noted, "Every general interest art museum that is supported in whole or in part by government funds exhibits work with religious subject matter."

Bill Dyrness, professor of theology and culture at the Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, stated "You can't talk about black history without talking about the black church."

The censored artist, Lloyd Marcus, believes that religious censorship, particularly of Christianity, has gotten way out of hand. "What really upset me is censorship of the slightest hint of Christianity."

Deltona pulls 'religious' art

Does art violate church-state law?

Following Lawsuit Deltona Reverses Decision - Paintings Will be Displayed

Friday, February 10, 2006

Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg - Intolerant of Christian Position on Abortion

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would attend Red Mass, the annual Catholic Mass honoring judges. When she heard a message on the Catholic Church's position on abortion, Gindburg decided to boycott the annual event, declaring the "sermon was outrageously anti-abortion."

Supreme Court's Ginsburg Offended by "Outrageously Anti-Abortion" Homily at Mass

Inside Politics - Greg Pierce

Revised Air Force Religion Policy
- "Jesus" Still Prohibited

The United States Air Force has released interim revised guidelines for religious expression. Some praise the revised policy while others recognize that the "inclusive" policy still forbids prayers that mention "Jesus" specifically.

"They want prayers, but no religious beliefs. Huh? Non-religious prayers?" was Navy chaplain Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt's response. "These new guidelines are a sham, they're deceptive, they're not new at all, and they still prohibit prayers 'in Jesus name' and authorize commanders to exclude chaplains who pray 'in Jesus name' solely based on the content of their prayers."

Air Force still no-Jesus zone? - New guidelines have some Christians cheering, but others say chaplain-prayer muzzle remains

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Idaho Resident's Complaint over Christian Topics in Community Education Program

The Boise Idaho school district offers an adult evening Community Education Program with classes conducted by volunteers. One resident, Yvette Sedlewicz, has questioned the inclusion of classes pertaining to Christianity. The "History & Global Issues" topic includes course on Eastern Religions and World Religions but the class on Easter has been brought into question. The "Personal Enrichment" topic includes courses on wedding planning, marriage, parenting and cosmetics. The class on a Biblica View of Self-Worth has been brought into question.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is now investigating Sedlewicz's complaint.

Program Curriculum Raises Concerns

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Free Soft Drinks for Memorizing Bible Verses

Dale Lanier runs a local convenience store in Snead Alabama. For the past six years, Lanier has been giving away free soft drinks and coffees to those who have memorized the monthly bible verse.

Store offers free drink for memorizing Bible verse

Alabama Church Arson
- "An Attack Upon Religion Itself"

Nine Alabama churches have been damaged or destroyed by fire over the past week. The FBI is investigating whether the fires are considered a violation of civil rights laws that protect religious property. The state insurance agency reported "Obviously we're going to investigate these as suspected arson."

The Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, commented "It must be stressed that when a church building is burned, it is more than just an attack on a building. It is an attack up the core values that church represents and an attack upon religion itself."

Fires Strike Four More Ala. Baptist Churches - Less than a week after a string of fires struck five Baptist churches in Alabama, four more churches were damaged or destroyed by fires, a state official said Tuesday

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Eminent Domain
- The Religious Can Lose Land
- The Religious Can't Acquire Land

The Hope Partnership, a Judeo-Christian association of independent educational centers, was scheduled to acquire a piece of Philadelphia property under eminent domain, which was marked as blighted. This decision was reversed by Judge Doris A. Smith-Ribner, who's overruling stated this was an entanglement of church and state.

Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court panel has ruled that the Redevelopment Authority of Philadelphia cannot take private property marked as blighted and give it to a private, religious organization.

Judge Dante R. Pellegrini, in his dissenting opinion, argued that the majority's decision is "viewpoint discrimination" against religious groups and is a violation of their First Amendment rights.

Pa. Court: Eminent Domain Can't Aid Religious Groups

Monday, February 06, 2006

Detroit Police Harass
Pro-Life "Truth Truck"

Dennis Green, director of Life and Liberty Ministries (LLM), attempted to drive his pro-life "Truth Truck" through Detroit City. He was immediately met by city police who issued fines for unsubstantiated violations, arrested and jailed Green and impounded his vehicle.

According to LLM, "The Detroit Police Department is intolerant toward the Scriptural message that abortion is murder."

Truth Truck Impounded In Detroit And LLM Director Dennis Green Is Arrested And Jailed

Cross Shape on Hot-Cross-Buns
Deemed Offensive in UK School

Oaks Primary School in Ipswic, UK practiced the tradition of serving hot-cross-buns during Easter to recognize the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Out of fear that the criss-cross pattern on the bun may be offensive, the school has informed the supplier to remove the cross-shape from the hot-cross-buns.

One anonymous observers commented "I have never heard of anything so ridiculous. Since when have hot cross buns been offensive?"

This is the latest of many schools that consider the hot-cross-bun offensive.

School decides to ban the bun

Connecticut Hospital Pressured to Choose
- State Laws
- God's Laws

Dr. Alan J. Couture is a homosexual emergency physician at St. Mary's Hospital in Waterbury, Connecticut. When Couture was joined to Robert McDonald in a same-sex civil union, Couture expected his partner to be covered by the hospital's medical insurance - he was not. Courture has retained attorney Dawne Westbrook and filed an employment discrimination complaint.

St. Mary's president, Robert Ritz, stated that the Catholic hospital will abide by the "ethical and religious directives of the church."

Gay Conn. Doctor Accuses Catholic Hospital of Bias

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states "Under no circumstances can they [homosexual acts] be approved."

Sunday, February 05, 2006

MIT Professor - Embryonic Stem-Cell Research is "Pure Scientific Folly"

Dr. James Sherley, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology associate professor of biological engineering has stated in an interview with that embryonic stem-cell research is "scientifically and ethically dubious" and that many scientists, holding the same opinion, remain silent out of fear of criticism and reprisal.

"It is pure scientific folly to place such emphasis on embryonic stem cells research to the exclusion of support for adult stem cell research. No matter what the hurdles are for success with adult stem cell-based therapy development, embryonic stem cell research faces the same hurdles and more."

"Given that embryos are human beings, they have a right to self and a right to life. Exploiting their parts (ie, cells) or killing them for research is moral trespass that society should not allow."

Embryonic Stem Cell Therapies to Cure Disease is 'Pure Folly', Says MIT Prof - Reveals Some Scientists Don't Oppose Embryonic Research Out of Fear of Reprisals

Mentioning "Jesus" in Prayer is Unconstitutional

The Anti Defamation League (ADL) is pressing the Florida village of Wellington to institute a policy that bans the use of the name "Jesus" from prayers that begin village meetings. According to the ADL, a 1983 Supreme Court decisions has determine what is acceptable content of one's prayers.

Mathew Stever, an attorney for
Liberty Counsel, noted "Essentially what they're (the ADL) wanting is for the government to get out a censor pen and determine what's sectarian and what's not. He's wanting to require them be a theological, doctrinal board of review."

'Jesus Christ' not welcome at public meetings - Jewish group claims any reference at government meetings 'unconstitutional'

Saturday, February 04, 2006

- Jewish Menorah OK
- Islamic Crescent and Star OK
- Christian Nativity BANNED

A New York City federal appeals court has approved the banning of the Christian Nativity while allowing the Jewish Menorah and the Islamic Crescent and Star. Federal judges agreed with the city defender that the Menorah and the Crescent and Star symbols are "secular" and the nativity "religious."

"Judaism and Islam are favored while Christianity is disfavored" was the opinion of the dissenting judge Chester Straub.

"This should be a wake-up call for Christians across this nation," was the response from Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center.

Appeals Court Upholds Nativity Ban in NYC Schools

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

School Prayer Gets Stop Order

The Weathersfield Ohio school system has recited The Lord's Prayer along with the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of each day. After an anonymous parent complained to a local newspaper, the school's attorney, James Fredericka, instructed the Superintendent Michael Hanshaw to stop the prayer. According to Hanshaw, the community wants the prayer to continue, students are very upset and they may start a petition drive.

Complaint halts prayer at the schools

Target Fires Pharmacist for Refusing to Stock "Morning-After" Pill

Heather Williams has worked for the past five years as a part-time pharmacist at a Target store in St. Louis Missouri. This pharmacy has never stocked the "Morning-After pill, but when Williams refused to stock the drug and sign a "conscience clause" declaring her agreeing, this lead to her being terminated from her job.

Williams considered the use of the drug a form of chemical abortion and, for Williams, “life begins with two cells.”

Williams has filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of Missouri.

Target Pharmacist Fired for Refusing to Dispense Abortifacient Morning-After Pill

European Union Criminalizing Christian position on Homosexuality

The European Parliament's has passed a resolution that requires all member states to ban "Homophobia." This resolution makes no allowances for religious beliefs on homosexuality. One statement in the resolution that is most disturbing is "Homophobia manifests itself in the private and public spheres in different forms such as hate speech ... and unjustified and unreasonable limitations of rights, which are often hidden behind reasons of public order, religious freedom and the right to conscientious objection."

Aldo Giordano, secretary-general of the Council of European Bishops' Conferences, noted "The declaration shows an aversion for certain values of our tradition, notably religious values."

Euro-Fam, an interdenominational family advocacy organization, commented "It is important to note that quoting biblical passages dealing with homosexuality have led to imprisonment and to legal actions in the past on the basis of so-called homophobia. Hence, it is disturbing that the resolution does not clearly reaffirm the freedom of religion and even seems to want to suppress the freedom of expression (for those who wish to refer to the Bible)."

Christians slam 'homophobia' resolution - European Parliament's action equates condition to racism, anti-Semitism